Local Legend: Madelaine Anderson, Owner of The Wild We Share Podcast & Talus Films Shares Her Story

"Talus Films - is taken from the talus (boulder fields) you might encounter as you're summiting a mountain. Just like in our lives, there are often many ways to navigate these boulders. And it's up to each of us as individuals to pick our own path. For us this parallels both how we as humans tell stories and how we move through our lives."
Give us some background on your businesses.
Talus Films specializes in producing brand-building storytelling videos and films for impact-driven businesses and organizations. In addition to our full-service production, we also offer video strategy and development workshops, content audits, and storytelling consultations. My podcast, The Wild We Share, offers bi-weekly episodes that foster connection and stewardship in the outdoors.

What is the story and meaning behind why you started your business?
Talus Films was born from realizing that we each have important stories to tell, but it's rare folks have all the knowledge, skills, and resources to bring them to life in a truly impactful way.We make this possible. We're here to partner with like-minded folks and provide the strategy, framework, and expertise needed to craft content that not only tells a story but inspires folks to take action as well.
The name of our company - Talus Films - is taken from the talus fields (aka boulder fields) you might encounter as you're summiting a mountain. Just like in our lives, there are often many ways to navigate these boulders. And it's up to each of us as individuals to pick our own path. For us this parallels both how we as humans tell stories and how we move through our lives.
The Wild We Share podcast was born from my husband and me raising our 2-year old daughter. She's begun to love the outdoors like us and we became very aware that we wanted to foster this love and also teach her ways to protect the natural world while also having fun. To do this, we wanted to learn from folks who are working and playing in the outdoors to hear their wisdom and share it with others (we assumed we probably weren't the only ones interested in these topics).

In what ways has being a business owner positively impacted your life?
Owning my own business allows for being in a constant state of learning and creative ideation - which I love. In my past, more corporate jobs, these aspects were missing. I'm something of a rarity in that I love being creative but am also very operationally-minded and process driven. My background in project management and filmmaking are perfectly combined in my producer roles within my business. My work keeps me on my toes and each project is a new, welcome challenge. Owning my own business also offers me a freedom to schedule my life as I need. This doesn't always work out as well as it sounds, but it's nice to know I have this flexibility especially as a mom in addition to entrepreneur.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned about life from owning a business?
I've learned a level of patience that I never knew I had in me (this is also true with motherhood as well). And I've really learned that there is no such thing as perfect. It doesn't exist. I'll always want things to move faster than they do or to get more done in a day than is possible. And I'll always be hesitant to release an idea out into the world before it's truly 'ready". But, in learning to slow down you can often go faster. And in learning to put things out into the world before they're perfect, you get to gather feedback and iterate before sinking a ton of time into something that wasn't really wanted or needed. On the surface, these might both seem to be backwards. But they do make a ton of difference!
Where can people learn more about you and your business?
Instagram: @talusfilms & @thewildweshare
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